Floating Art
by Sougeikan Floating Factory
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What is New ?

2004 Sep.13(Mon) 11:05- Eimei Okuda was introduced on NHK "Gurutto Kansai Ohirumaeni"
2004 Aug.20(Fri) 22:00- Eimei Okuda wins grand prise for "Art Battle 2004", TV-Tokyo "Takeshi no daredemo Picasso"
2004 May.12(Wed) - Jun.13(Sun) Exhibition at Universal City Walk Osaka (Shopping mall at Universal Studio Japan)
2003 Oct.9 - Used in the stage set of the hit drama, "Shiroi kyoto" by Fuji-TV
2003 Mar.11 - 14Attended the restaurant show at Tokyo International Hotel.
2003 Jan.7 - 26Floating Art, Exhibition: "Forging an artificial memory"
Did the Jellyfish grow from the grounds like a mushroom, or did it come falling from the sky like a parachute?
We will examin its origin.
2003 Jan.1 - Oct.31New models were posted monthly.
2002 Nov.27 - 30Attended Tokyo International Interior trade fair
We displayed many new types of Floating objects, Water tanks with stained glass in the background and circular tanks.
2001 Sep.Attended the 26th Osaka International gift show.
Our Floating Art won the grand prise for "New products."

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